Hanging with the PM in my 'hood because Fête Nationale 2016
4 juillet 2016
29 avril 2016
from: | DEAR PM <dearpm@gmail.com> | ||
to: | Conservative Party of Canada | ||
date: | Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 3:14 PM | ||
subject: | Re: Canadian jobs | ||
mailed-by: | gmail.com Hi Candice, Thanks for your email. I am currently unemployed but I'm not sure if it is Justin's fault, as my position at a gallery was terminated during the Conservative rule and seemed to have more to do with a neo-liberal agenda of austerity and cutbacks than the price of oil. Speaking of oil, it appears that Mr. Trudeau in fact shares your party's view that "getting a pipeline to new markets is in the best interest of all Canadians." I'm not sure which "anti-oil billionaires" Justin is having lunch with but I imagine he has lunch with lots of pro-oil billionaires as well.
I'd like to have a little more information about how giving your party $35 will somehow increase jobs, seeing as both your party and Mr. Trudeau are essentially on the same page regarding pipelines. And I believe you mean to say that you want to build pipelines to bring Bitumen to new markets, or am I missing something? Is there a plan afoot to export pipelines themselves to new markets?
Thanks in advance for clearing this up for me. I remain,
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 1:15 PM, Candice Bergen <info@conservative.ca> wrote: > > Dear Chris, > > Many Canadians are facing serious challenges right now. > > In February, Canada’s unemployment rate hit a three-year high. Now, economists and business leaders are saying that Alberta’s oil industry has passed the recession stage and is now in a depression. > > And they anticipate billions in spending cuts and thousands of more job losses. > > Chris, help us fight for Canadian jobs! Donate $35 today! > > To make things worse: nowhere in the Liberal budget is there a concrete plan to create jobs. > > In fact, Just Trudeau seems to be fighting against Canadian jobs. The Liberals actually voted against the Energy East pipeline, and recently Trudeau has been wining and dining with American anti-oil billionaires! > > We in the Conservative Party have always recognized that getting a pipeline to new markets is in the best interest of all Canadians. > > We will proudly continue to pressure Mr. Trudeau to join the Conservative Party in unapologetically advocating for the construction of pipelines and standing up for Canadian oil. > > Help us fight for Canadian jobs – donate $35 now! > > Sincerely, > > Candice Bergen > MP, Portage-Lisgar > > > Authorized by the registered agent of the Conservative Party of Canada. > > This email was sent to: dearpm@gmail.com > We believe email is an important way to stay in touch with Canadians. If you no longer wish to receive e-mail updates from us, click here to unsubscribe. > > Conservative Party of Canada > 1204-130 Albert St. > Ottawa, ON K1P 5G4 |
5 avril 2016
4 février 2016
25 septembre 2015
22 septembre 2015
3 août 2015
10:35 PM (0 minutes ago)
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Thanks for your email. It's great to be well-informed on the issues. If i can be of any help during
the election campaign please let me know.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 10:05 PM, Cory Hann, Conservative Party of Canada info@conservative.ca wrote:
Chris, My name is Cory Hann, and I'm the Director of Communications for the Conservative Party of Canada. With Stephen Harper’s leadership, Canada's Conservatives have accomplished so much for our country. Since you’re new to our e-mail list, I wanted to share a little bit more information about some of our major accomplishments so far: We’ve been helping build a stronger Canadian economy:
but we know there's more work to be done. I hope Prime Minister Harper and our Party can count on your continued support. Want to know more? Follow the Conservative Party on Facebook and Twitter. Sincerely, Cory Hann Director, Communications Conservative Party of Canada |
This email was sent to: dearpm@gmail.com
We believe email is an important way to stay in touch with Canadians.
If you no longer wish to receive e-mail updates from us, click here to unsubscribe.
Email communications from: Conservative Party of Canada, 1204-130 Albert St, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5G4
16 juin 2015
12 mai 2015
from: | DEAR PM | ||
to: | pm@pm.gc.ca | ||
date: | Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:19 PM | ||
subject: | Le NPD rétablirait l'aide internationale pour l'avortement; Conservative opponent in Justin Trudeau’s riding resigns after admitting he was just in it as an art project |
Dear Stephen,
What an eventful day! The morning started with very early and repeated phone calls from and as the CBC online story launched and caught fire. I met at a café where I tried to explain the “messing with” quote and to convince him we could weather this media storm together, but to no avail. He presented me with the resignation papers and I signed; that bit of news didn’t take long to get out. wanted me to remove all my social media accounts but now that I've been let go, what would be the point of that? Later in the afternoon I locked myself in the bathroom just to calm my nerves.
I was going to use this letter as a platform to issue some sort of statement, but looking at it now, all point-form and wordy, it doesn’t make any sense. Do you really want to hear (yet again) how I believe our first-past-the-post system isn’t a true reflection of the electorate? To hear how I wanted to test the limits of free speech and explore the possibilities of voicing independent views within the confines of an electoral system that privileges dominant party ideologies? We see how far that got me. I’ve brought up artistic precedents with you in the past – Coluche, the Yes Men – but have you heard about theJanez Jansa collective in Slovenia? Three artists all changed their name to Janez Jansa, after a right-wing politician. Now that's dedication!
I will reiterate that I believe making art is an inherently political act - sometimes more political than we realize. Though my candidacy with the Conservative Party was short-lived I remain hopeful that this experience provides fresh insights into the nature of, and the relationship between, the personal and the political in this, the age of social media. I hope the dialogue continues.
PS Do you realize that this is the first time in 15 years of Dear PM that I am actually in the the headlines I use as subjects in my daily letters? I find that very strange!
31 mars 2015
17 mars 2015
En compagnie de plusieurs candidats du #PCC dans la région de #Montréal #polcan pic.twitter.com/uZDYGe1j6M
— Ministre Denis Lebel (@DenisLebelPCC) March 17, 2015
8 mars 2015
The candidate himself @dearpm Happy Birthday https://t.co/Lj10k4qjAy
— Mel Norton (@Melnortonsj) March 8, 2015
2 mars 2015
18 février 2015
2 février 2015
27 novembre 2014
22 septembre 2014
from: | DEAR PM <dearpm@gmail.com> | ||
to: | pm@pm.gc.ca | ||
date: | Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 9:51 PM | ||
subject: | Élections au Nouveau-Brunswick: mince avance des libéraux; Ottawa resident lead plaintiff in data breach lawsuit | ||
mailed-by: | gmail.com Dear Stephen,
I am still alive. I survived the weekend without Frozen. Had emailed Apple about that stupid 90-day single-used iTunes account policy, and got a reply today. Here is my rebuttal, which I posted in 4 comments on an Apple feedback site:
Thanks to Thamara who made an exception to the Apple 90-day single-iTunes user lockout period so I was able to view Frozen on our home computer. The $20 download (we chose SD) was on my wife's laptop which she took with her on a business trip, leaving me home alone with a 4 1/2 year-old who had just hit her peak of Frozen addiction. Of course, the email and exception came tonight, just as I was putting the kids to bed, and in fact we had just arrived home from the airport, having picked up my wife, so the whole thing is a bit moot at this point.
Somehow we survived the weekend without downloading Frozen anew, or even renting it, though that thought did indeed cross my mind. Instead, we watched the Netflix version called The Snow Queen, which features B-grade digital animation, lacklustre..
The form doesn't allow longer comments! So I left ANOTHER comment:
So as I was saying, though clearly it is an inferior product, my daughter enjoyed parts of The Snow Queen, and even asked to watch it again last night! Of course, by then it was bedtime, and too late for videos of any kind. But I digress. I was curious as to why Thamara did not mention to me the option of Family Sharing, but then I started to read your policy on it and it is clear my software is not up to speed. Then the more I read the more uncomfortable I began to feel, as the terminology you are using sounds a bit cultish: "The Organizer may remove any Family member from the Family, which will terminate that Family member's ability to initiate authorized purchases on the Organizer's payment method, and that Family Member’s ability to view and share other Family members' products and..."
And of course then I notice that the "send comment" button is COMPLETELY INVISIBLE! HA! I continue:
Sorry, we were cut-off there by the comments limitation. To continue with some of the cult-sounding information in your Terms and Conditions: "...information. When a Family member leaves or is removed from a Family, the remaining Family members may no longer be able to view or download the departing member’s products or information, or access products previously downloaded from the departing Family member, including purchases made on the Organizer's payment method while the departing member was part of the Family." Doesn't that all sound a bit weird to you? It gets better! Read this: "If you have made In-App Purchases from an app originally purchased by a departed Family member or downloaded from a Family member and you no longer belong to the Family, you need to purchase the app yourself"
And the final volley:
"You can only belong to one Family at a time, and may join any Family no more than twice per year. You can change the store account you associate with a Family no more than once every 90 days." So again, even with the Family, one runs into the 90-day wall. Why is that? What "consumer protection" words of wisdom does Thamara give me? "I know not being able to access multiple ID’s across multiple platforms is inconvenient but it is there to ensure you can locate any and all purchases without issue or complaint, when another ID gets mixed in it could be problematic." So the 90-day rule is there basically to prevent complaints? I think dealing with child-rearing and employment means we can probably keep track of our individual purchases. BTW my name is Chris, not John.
Clo is home, asleep from jet-lag. The kids are in bed. I'm on my way there soon enough.
Find Apple policy fascinating? Read the Complete Terms of Use HERE
17 septembre 2014
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