27 novembre 2004

my ass

Originally uploaded by Chris Lloyd.
Claudine bought me a new pair of undies today (I think at the Dare-Dare Depot, a fund-raiser for the artist-run centre). The only clue I have as to who the artist might be is the tag, which only reads "bon bon".

There is also an iron-on text accompanying the photo, on the other cheek. It reads:

1. I'm not a moron, and I wouldn't have a moron for a friend, so he's not a moron.

2. He's no more a moron that I am, and I'm not a moron.

3. He is a moron, but not the kind you think. He's a moron the way I'm a moron; the unspecial kind. In fact, we're more like jerks. You know, just guys. We're the same.

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